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Revision History For: Wow!

26 Apr 2024 02:51 AM
25 Apr 2024 09:49 PM <--
25 Apr 2024 06:55 PM

Return to Wow!
This is a place to keep all things that made you go "Wow!'. I've been meaning to keep a collection of clips and bits that I've found fascinating, and this is the place for it.

I think it lends itself well to photos and videos. A key difference between here and the photography board is that I think of that thread as place for fine beautiful photos and discussion of cameras and technics. But here is more about impact. It doesn't have to be pretty (though beauty is always appreciated).

There is only one limitation: nothing that would turn off a big chunk of people. So nothing morbid, regardless of how spectacular you think that head chopping scene from Shogun was. And nothing about political or religious views.

Beyond this, anything scientific from heart surgery to space travel is great. Any amazing videos (e.g. people rushing to save a driver out of a burning car) is fine. Showing Churches as architecture or Lenin's giant statue is fine so long the point is the art and not advocation for a religion or a political opinion.

In short, if it made you think, "Wow, look at that!" and it can be shared with anyone, then this is the place for it.



PS Whenever possible, please embed your content within your post so that nobody has to go to another site to see it.
