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Shiny Objects
An SI Board Since July 2017
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4287Prison. [X] Prison sentences Are necessary for the butchers and liars Seriousig2July 4
4286"We are a group of middle to high school musicians who gather to play musicig1July 3
4285[X] A father in Shandong,China, made his own aircraft carrier from stainless stDinoNavarre1July 3
4284Honey buzzards vs. hornets - pretty wild [youtube video] Honey Buzzards Feast Stan-July 2
4283Having barriers to membership was prescient of the SI Founders. There isn't Stan2July 2
4282$199 rings a bell. It looks like they've got new ways to earn posting righig-July 2
4281True. I had to pay to join in '98. I think it was $200, does that sound righStan-July 2
4280I'm going to venture that SI doesn't have these types I doubt we have suig-July 2
4279Yikes! I'm going to venture that SI doesn't have these types, but I&#Stan-July 2
4278It's depressing to see how much scamming goes on in the world. [X] WATCH:ig2July 2
4277Overall, a good discussion. Chris Olsen's approach to catching digital crimStan-July 2
4276Re: Online scammers It's a jungle out there. [youtube video]ig1July 2
4275Apparently a Pig Butchering scam running on Nextdoor attempting to target me. Stan-July 1
4274[X] Thousands of left-wing activists join ANTIFA, communists and Islamists to pig-July 1
4273How he dealt with the gangs - [youtube video] How El Salvador Destroyed TheirStan-June 30
4272Bukele. [youtube video]ig1June 30
4271Orbán, Allies Launch 'Patriots for Europe' Jun 30, 2024 Grok Hungaig-June 30
4270The '90s Ranger hired the other two as bodyguards. :)Stan1June 29
4269Obviously they used different fertilizer...Stock Puppy-June 29
4268Pickup truck sizes - You don't realize it as the years go by. [graphic] phStan1June 29
4267Tractor Supply woke reversal! [youtube video]Stan1June 28
4266"Everyone knows it's wrong, but everyone's doing it." [youtuig1June 28
4265Planxty Irwin. [youtube video]ig-June 27
4264Two lutes. [youtube video]ig-June 27
4263Robin Monotti on "climate change." [X] THE REAL REASON FOR CLIMATE ig-June 27
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