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Emcee:  goldworldnet Type:  Moderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
892000 Harley Deuce and 1925 Chevy T-Bucket Hotrod. [graphic] Day that Larry whogoldworldnet3July 24
88Had to put Chester (Jack Russell) down July 10th. Adjusting, but still have Chegoldworldnet7July 11
87Beautiful. So timely.Carolyn410/17/2021
86[graphic] [graphic] [graphic] [graphic] [graphic] [graphic] [graphic] I think trobert a belfer511/14/2020
85OK, clearly my computer skills leave a lot to be desired. I will try again tomorrobert a belfer511/11/2020
84[graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic][graphic]robert a belfer411/11/2020
83They say that something on line lives forever. In memory of my father who was a robert a belfer511/11/2020
82MIA: JakeStraw | Anyone have info? JakeStraw has been a long time and very actEric L29/3/2020
81I was married 40 years ago today at 1 pm July 4th, but Joyce refused to set the goldworldnet107/4/2020
80Dad would have been 92 today. He was a sailor at heart running away from home Neeka124/13/2020
79My wife's mother Jane was also born January 15th. Very sweet and my favoritgoldworldnet32/21/2020
78My mother died 13 years ago. Today would have been her hundredth birthday. HappyGlenn Petersen161/15/2020
77He definitely knows he has problems, but the prognosis isn't good. goldworldnet-10/30/2019
76Does Wayne want to be saved? Does Wayne perceive his homelessness as a problePogeu Mahone-10/29/2019
75Scott is a retired Judge and had a long talk with him this morning about saving goldworldnet110/25/2019
74one of my best buds developed a love for pot cookies with his stage 4.Pogeu Mahone-10/20/2019
73Continuing education is good and recommend staying close with old friends. :) goldworldnet110/9/2019
72Thanks for the ideaKatongole-10/9/2019
71He says he has to stay competitive with newer graduates. His dad was an OB/GYNgoldworldnet110/9/2019
70Hey .. I'm a software engineer too . . . but I'm too old and don't wBlasher110/8/2019
69My stepdad has gone to 3 or 4 funerals in the last six months. The worst part ogoldworldnet110/5/2019
68Sorry to learn that, Josh. High school friends are truly "forever". Ken Adams110/5/2019
67I'm looking forward to it. There's four of us meeting. Haven't seen goldworldnet110/5/2019
66Josh- Laughter is the best medicine. Have a funny time at the luncheon. -elpolelpolvo210/5/2019
65Learned yesterday that a classmate from high school has lung cancer. My main bugoldworldnet410/4/2019
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