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Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
An SI Board Since December 2013
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1877 56 7
Emcee:  FJB Type:  Moderated
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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
1877DeepSeek’s AI model is ‘the best work’ out of China but the hype is ‘exaggeratedFJB-February 10
1875 Open Source AI Is the Path Forward | Meta By Mark ZuckerbeFJB-7/24/2024
1874[X] Nice work by @xAI team, @X team, @Nvidia & supporting companies getting MemFJB-7/22/2024
1872During recent military drills with Cambodia, China’s military showed off a robotSavant-5/30/2024
1871Dogs Playing in the NBA? Google's AI Overviews Are Already Spewing Nonsense Selectric II-5/26/2024
1870Where's The Demand? Alibaba Slashes AI Pricing By Up To 97%, Igniting DiscouFJB-5/21/2024
1869Meet the humanoids: 8 robots ready to revolutionize work These AI bots backed bySavant-5/15/2024
1868Good policy.FJB-5/15/2024
1867I try to avoid clicking all things "Google," as much as humanly possibSelectric II15/15/2024
1866AI GENERATED VIDEO deepmind.googleFJB-5/15/2024
1865future of robots...per Seba Tony Seba just revealed why Elon Musk is no longSavant-5/14/2024
1864Video: $16k G1 humanoid rises up to smash nuts, twist and twirl Video: $16k G1 Savant-5/14/2024
1863MIT gives AI the power to 'reason like humans' by creating hybrid architSavant-5/13/2024
1862Religions -- of all types -- are what have established the moral and ethical basSelectric II-5/12/2024
1861AI facial recognition technology could have devastating consequences for trans fSavant-5/12/2024
1860religious 'scholars' have been part of the problem from time immemorial.Savant-5/12/2024
1859Is the thing that's missing from AI programming a sense of morality and ethSelectric II-5/12/2024
1858AI Has Already Become a Master of Lies And Deception, Scientists Warn AI Has AlSavant-5/10/2024
1857This four-legged robot with wheels for feet makes Boston Dynamics' Spot roboSavant-5/4/2024
1856Ai powered jet takes pilot for a ride msn.comSavant-5/4/2024
1855I just did a 30-second internet search, and Tanzania coffee production is boominSelectric II-4/21/2024
1854The National Robotarium has bought Ameca, often called “the world’s most advanceSavant-4/21/2024
1853ai at work in agriculture Wired up coffee plants help farmers counter climate cSavant-4/21/2024
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