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Silicon Investor - New feature discussion
An SI Board Since July 2011
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6978Okay, three things in your post that I will set straight since what I wrote was Honey_Bee19/7/2022
6977First what I was going to post to you prior to the IMHO idiotic post removal. &kidl29/7/2022
6976What a crying shame!Honey_Bee-9/7/2022
6975WOW, someone just wiped out all the follow-ups to your post. Did SI relocate tokidl39/7/2022
6974Of late, someone who runs a board I have frequented for years has started makingLoneClone-8/22/2022
6973For some reason, that InfoPath link got borked and doesn't work, here's Zen Dollar Round-8/11/2022
6972Do you recall an Office component called InfoPath? It was basically a form desiJeffrey S. Mitchell-8/10/2022
6971Thank you for providing more detail about all that. Glad they hired you, I hopeZen Dollar Round-8/8/2022
6970the outcome was that CDC was deemed at fault for having a misdesigned memory uniengineer18/8/2022
6969thanks for sharing that experience.John Carragher-8/8/2022
6968>Cost to replace it was $250k in 1973, which was alot... > I never had toZen Dollar Round-8/8/2022
6967when I was in college, I had a job working for the US government running programengineer38/7/2022
6966wipe out the hard drive. ha. I remember putting in a 1400 system. around 1967. John Carragher-8/7/2022
6965My first interaction with Microsoft reaches back to 1984. I was hired by a goverLoneClone18/7/2022
6964> Instagram is going out, Tik Tok is going to beat it. I doubt it. FacebookZen Dollar Round18/5/2022
6963Similar on the Mac side! Microsoft Word 5.1a from 1991 (have to include the &quoZen Dollar Round18/5/2022
6962beware of Tik Toc, as it includes a key logger function. All your keystrokes areengineer38/5/2022
6961Instagram is going out, Tik Tok is going to beat it. According to my buddy in SI Ron (Colonel Sammy)-8/5/2022
6960Joe Rogan Reads TikTok’s Privacy Policy: They Know Everything You Type… Joe RogWinfastorlose38/4/2022
6959Thanks for the tip, but not for reminding me of the horrors of Word Perfect.... LoneClone18/4/2022
6958Follow me on Tik Tok Ron (Colonel Sammy)-8/4/2022
6957Libre is a good program, like Word, but no bloatware. I started using it after SI Ron (Colonel Sammy)-8/4/2022
6956Thanks Ron. I do shut down my browser frequently, and reboot every few days justLoneClone18/3/2022
6955If you let your computer sleep every day, reboot it ever so often or at least clSI Ron (Colonel Sammy)38/3/2022
6954Thanks for your detailed answer, but I found an easier way. I normally have 7 LoneClone18/3/2022
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