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This board is a place to discuss the interaction between political influences and energy supply and potential future development. Because climate issues affect the politics of energy that is on topic here. There are other places to talk about specific investment ideas, like Big Dogs BBR but if you want to discuss such things here feel free. I do realize that political issues can raise passion levels, but let's try to hold down back and forth name calling and personal insults. We don't want to ruin the board for other posters and readers. Official Thread Sound Track is hereby declared to be "Drill Baby Drill" Message 31234198 Runner Up: Where Have All The Eagles Gone? youtube.com ----------------- Charles Manson, Global Warming Prophet 57585 Hansen - last interglacial warmer 69530 Alarmists spurn solar 70609 NASA adj 71558 No US warming for past century 57234, 76707 The Most Comprehensive Assault On 'Global Warming' Ever 73303 Climate Movement International Governance 73814 How to tell who is lying to you 73939 Human Attribution Science and Hype 74143 NASA data tampering in the cause of model driven science demonstrated 74294 NOAA highlevel fraud exposed by expert insider 74663 Study refutes warming 74723 Dr Neil Frank, PhD on climate change 74788 How GHCN software changed Maine, Mich, CA temp record 74782 Solar's NF3 17,200 X the GHG CO2 is 75149 Nearly half of GHCN stations at airports as of 2009 74871 11 US energy maps 75152 Facts about world oil demand 75193 German physicist on impracticality of EV's 75672 Agriculture and CO2 75697 Facts on Holocene Ice Fluctations 75984 Nice Lindzen discussion 76559 The digital revolution impact on energy 76592 O&G vs solar and wind 76793 Singer on temp trends 76836 NASA modeling expert says climate models can't predict climate 76933 Cliff Mass, Criminal Climate Change Denialist 76928 What it would take for GHG's to warm the ocean 77060 What IS the avg temp of the earth? 77514 & 77572 There has been essentially no global warming for a century + ... what's claimed as warming is just the adjustment downward of past recorded temperatures. PNAS: 100% renewables delusional 77669 Cowboyistan still in charge 77670 Toxic solar pv waste a major growing problem 77813 Earth nearly doomed by low CO2 during last ice age 77896 $5+ TRILLION to wind energy companies 77898 Solar panels composed partially of fossil fuels 77930 Wind power requires 100% backup by conventional energy 78059 Droughts becoming more severe? No, says science 78060-78064 Science determined by the funding 78349 Diminishing effect of increasing CO2 on temperature 78358 Child miners aged four living a hell on Earth so YOU can drive an electric car 78774 Federal climate report thoroughly debunked 78787 3 good points re CAGW: 78797&78798 Why there can never be a renewable powered aluminum smelter 78799 Noble cause Chicken Littles should not be believed 78916 Former GISS & Potsdam climate scientists call for GISS to be defunded 78959-78962 Climate scientists: Warming has been over-estimated 78989-78990 Excellent statistical analysis of temp data - even after dubious adj's temp record indistinguishable from a random walk 79082 Lesson of LTCM 79083 No LT trend toward extreme weather 79136 10 reasons why new technologies will cause future energy use to SKYROCKET 79236 Freeman Dyson carbon and topsoil formation 79398 79465 Pielke: weather extremes claims in absence of evidence 79513 NYT: solar & wind don't lower CO2 emissions Will Happer 79525 Rare earths highly concentrated in US coal basins 79537 Chinese EV's produce more CO2 than ICE's; 1600 coal plants planned or being built, 43% expansion in coal capacity 79612, 79684 Cliff Maas on CA fires 79682 20 posts in which climate alarmists admit their goal is poverty for humanity and that they lie shamefacedly in pursuit of that goal: Posts 79714 - 79733 on the Politics of Energy thread How US Temp Record Has Been Changed 79931 Burning wood = 4X CO2/MWh as natural gas; 50% more than coal 79963 Another demonstration of cooling the past, Ithaca 79976 Nazi & other strange roots of climate catastrophism 80013, 80014 Adam Smith proven right again 80033 Problems w/global temp records 80142, 80143, 80145 Lithium from TX ng wells 80148 1,407 temperature stations from across the contiguous U.S. do not show any warming trend during 1901 to 2015. 80153 US blizzards increasing 80158 Cities, counties screw themselves over climate change lawsuits 80171 NASA says water vapor not increasing, no "hot spot" as predicted. Climate models suck. 80175 CO2 endangerment finding must be reopened. 80176 Cube development next big thing in shale drilling? 80204 ExxonKnew postmortem 80370 How could XOM/Shell keep global warming a secret if Tyndale & Arrhenius wrote about it in the 1800's? 80462 Heh, Going off fossil fuels 80536 Windmills, not fracing, a threat to water wells 80687-80699 UN report on fracking 80793 Liberal green ideas counter-productive - 80979 (anti-nuclear, windpower) 80981, 80993 (recycling is BAD) Florida to be gone in 77 years 80982 India plans to stripmine moon for nuclear plant fuel 80984 Hansen: Renewables and batteries a grotesque idea! 80991 US per capita carbon emissions lowest since 1950 81049 Natl Hurricane Center - NO Trend in Florida hurricane strikes 81283 Cobalt & lithium envionmental destruction 81294 Getting snowier and winters colder 81371 Mass: Global warming not to blame for CA fires 81379, 81384 Palm oil environmental destruction in the name of greenness 81389 Greenland long term temp perspective 81419 SO2 & NOx emissions down dramatically over 20 yrs 81476 Social benefit = $4,380 per tonne of CO2 81484 Wind energy intemittancy charted 81539 Wind energy really sucks 81560 Bio-mass, hydroelectric, waste to energy is NOT renewable greens 81568 Failed predictions 81579 Sahara shrinking 81580 Environmentalist Fanatics as Super Villains: 81585 Holocene warm periods 81611 Polar vortex goes back to 1853 81660 Snowdon Wales another failed prediction 81663 3 mos ago, NOAA predicted normal winter 81664 KILLER TOAST! 81734. 81735 Roast dinner danger 81739 The dark side of green technology 81749 Cobalt-Lithium mining hellscapes US leads world in CO2 emission reductions 81825 Senate rejects Green New Deal without a single vote in its favor 81901 Unpopularity of Green New Deal 81948 Arctic warmer 4000 years ago 81956 Inconvenient tree stumps in Arctic 81963 America: The Leader in Clean Air 82004 China building 300 coal plants around the world 82031 US leads in air pollution reduction due to increased natural gas use 82067 Permanent drought - yet another climate prediction failure 82117 US crude oil and natural gas exports 82202 Ocean fertilization is ongoing 82239 US natural gas cuts carbon emissions sharply 82271, 82274 US CO2 emissions lowest wind since 1985 82405 1877-1878 Global warming before major world industrialization 82409 Wa state rejected carbon tax 82446 Glacial Lake Missoula 82476 SF6 most powerful green house gas 82482 Hydrogen vs Electric 82518 US first major nation to meet Kyoto target 82684 What fracking means for the poor 82717 Anti-Fracking Activist: Vladimir Putin 82725 US becoming top LNG exporter 82737 Tree stumps under glaciers in Iceland, Alaska, Switzerland, Patagonia mean it was WARMER then than now 82767 Chinese coal use rising fast 82786-88 Suing Tesla, Apple over dead child laborers 82794 Fracking ban would kill the geothermal energy industry 82925-82927 Warmist leader embraces nuclear power 83189 Green Activist apologies for climate scares 83194 Matt Ridley 83214 No global warming in over 100 yrs 83254 Wildfire prescription: More cattle and beavers 83282, 83283 Where is NYC's sea level rise? 83319 Green financial crisis coming? 83365 Temp and CO2 NOT correlated 83380 MIT's Lindzen 83515 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Remember this was a tiny field, a backwater, and then suddenly you increased the funding to billions and everyone got into it," Lindzen said. "Even in 1990 no one at MIT called themselves a ‘climate scientist,’ and then all of a sudden everyone was. They only entered it because of the bucks; they realized it was a gravy train. 1999 version : 1999_Hansen_etal_1.pdf 2015 version: Fig.D.gif (525×438) Message 30294738 gif Message 30705971 Message 30214692 Message 30408321 gif Message 31493412 U.S. Data Since 1895 Fail To Show Warming Trend – NYTimes.com Greenland ice cores: post 75984 | ||||||||||||
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