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Hurricane and Severe Weather Tracking
An SI Board Since August 2004
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Emcee:  Don Green Type:  Moderated
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23805Invest 97L: [X] Here is a look at most deterministic model runs on Invest #97Ron-August 1
23804:) It took me awhile to remember them all lol.. To Quote the terminator.. OlCogito Ergo Sum1August 1
23803Now a 70% chance for development for the storm in the Atlantic. Path still primaRon-August 1
2380292 mph winds clocked in Denton, Nebraska- widespread damage from fast moving stoRon-August 1
23801Tropical Storm Carlotta heads west in the Pacific. Likely will move south of HawRon-August 1
23800hey Bernie - my memory is not what it was. what can I say except we've beeabuelita-July 31
23799Hi Rose, You left out AladinSane Kastelco and The Black Swan ;) but it was TheCogito Ergo Sum-July 31
23798The Pacific heats up: Three storms, one with an 80% chance for development. Too Ron-July 31
23797And now... your Florida weather forecast :) [X] why is this so accurate 😂 piRon2July 30
23796Now a 60% chance... For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of MexiRon-July 30
23795The aurora forecast [X] The northern lights could be visible tonight (7/29-7/3Alex MG-July 29
23794Now a 50% chance for development... still a pretty wide possible path... [grapRon1July 29
23793[X] On the 8th day humans f&%ked everything up big time. And then there was firWharf Rat-July 29
23792Only a 40% chance for development as of now, but just looking back at Beryl, wenRon-July 28
23791Not this chit again...lolBonefish-July 28
23790Heads up- Florida: Now a 40% chance for further development over next several saRon-July 28
23789[X] Insane.— Jeff Berardelli (@WeatherProf) July 26, 20Wharf Rat1July 27
23788Low chance for development for now, but looks 'interesting' If it can cRon-July 26
23787Its heartbreaking Wharf. All of it, all over the planet.abuelita-July 25
23786[X] Earth had the two hottest days in recorded history, and the weather is actiWharf Rat-July 25
23785[X] So sad. Another Canadian town burned to the ground. Rat-July 25
23784omigod - the fire torched Jasper. Fire burned with such intensity and speed thaabuelita1July 25
23783NOAA has a new satellite and operations page, with several additional satellitesRon-July 25
23782Gaemi's weird dip - they do that sometimes. In 1984 Diana, forecast to plow Ron-July 25
23781Nation & World Weather World Why this deviant, looping typhoon is stunning Eric-July 25
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