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NNBM - SI Branch
An SI Board Since September 2000
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104053 96 1
Emcee:  Wharf Rat Type:  Moderated
NNBM = New Network Business Model or... Never, Never Be Mean.

A network of eclectic friends sharing information on
companies implementing the new network business
model. The only investor's club on the net with a
bar, pool, hockey rink, kitchen, co-ed showers,
hot tub, steam room, wine cellar, and a 19 hole
golf course. Former hang-out of Bonnus of Austin
and Clapton's Guitar!


Best, most appropriate, post ever on this thread. (posted by wharf rat)

"What sort of day was it? A day like all days, filled with those events
that alter and illuminate our times ... and you were there."

AND... speaking of illuminating.... Care To Help?

best candid photo of "enlightenment" ever taken . Kudos Sarah!!!


If bla, bla, bla, bla, writes TRUMP more than 69 times in a lifetime on the NNBM thread...
...said bla bla-er will be bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, AND be removed to the NNBM Whine Cellar
for a period of not less than 5 minutes per bla, bla.

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ReplyMessage PreviewFromRecsPosted
104053yeah - that was her. :)abuelita-February 8
104052So do I. :>)Wharf Rat1February 8
104051You still have good genes! I met your Mum... I remember when we were in your baMannie1February 8
104050Thanks Mannie. It is a very great story. Anni married by mum's brother, abuelita2February 8
104049What a great story...... you have good genes in your family!Mannie2February 8
104048thanks jpeg. I thought so too. :)abuelita1February 8
104047That was fantastic! jpgCactus Jack-February 8
104046this is my Tante Anni - she lives in Flushing New York and turned 103 today. Iabuelita3February 7
104045Happy New YearSI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-January 6
104044Tragic. Thanks for responding Ron. Wishing you a happy and healthy new yearabuelita-January 6
104043I believe it was repository failure from unknown cause. Some speculate it was fSI Ron (Crazy Music Man)-January 6
104042I've just spent the last few days reading the messages on the Pray for Edwarabuelita-January 5
104041thank you Mike - Happy Chanukah.abuelita-12/25/2024
104040Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah to all.Wharf Rat312/25/2024
104039Right back at you, Rat! We definitely feasted yesterday. jpgCactus Jack-11/29/2024
104038Happy Thanksgiving, bar mates.Wharf Rat211/28/2024
104037That's an incredible photoCactus Jack111/24/2024
104036[X] Rainbow season has officially begun in San Francisco@KTVU#CAwx@SFGate@nbcbaWharf Rat211/24/2024
104035Not bad at our place Rose, but I made the mistake of heading up to the north enMannie-11/20/2024
104034Mannie, are you up and running? I understand there have been deaths in Washingabuelita-11/20/2024
104033It looks like you got your birthday wish granted yesterday. Indeed! The Hawks mMannie111/18/2024
104032My birthday wish is for the Seahawks to get an offensive line! Something they haCactus Jack111/18/2024
104031hahaha - its a good time to be foggy. :) BTW, from one who's been there, 6abuelita111/12/2024
104030Doing well here, Scott. My wish for your birthday is that the Seahawks figure oCactus Jack111/12/2024
104029Thank you Rose! We had a nice dinner at our favorite restaurant last night to cMannie211/12/2024
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