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Subject Search Results

TickerSubjectForumModeratorRepliesMost Recent
Items affecting stock market picks Strategies & Market Trendsrusset77773 hours ago
PIImpinj, Inc. Technology StocksCooters354yesterday
UVIXPirates With AttitudesMicrocap & Penny StocksChartgod2552Sunday
Rat dog micro-cap picks...Microcap & Penny StocksBucky Katt48438last Friday
VEEVStock Watcher's Thread / Pix of the Week (POW)Strategies & Market TrendsStock Watcher52047last Thursday
TRMDShipping - Oil & Gas Tankers, Dry cargo, LNG Non-TechThe Barracudaâ„¢2596last Thursday
Your opinion please Legalization of Street DrugsPastimesTadsamillionaire2305February 9
2024 Stock Picking Contest Gold/Mining/Energydara267January 1
petal's Swedish stock picks Non-Techpetal5211/24/2024
INSpire Insurance Solutions (Nasdaq: NSPR)Non-TechDoug (Htfd,CT)811/18/2024
FIFA SUCKSSoccer World Cup MLS Euro Champions League etcPastimesX Y Zebra512810/25/2024
Mr. Pink's Picks: selected event-driven value investmentsStrategies & Market TrendsMr. Pink1899810/23/2024
VUZIVuzix Corporation-VUZI-A Visionary Pick? Technology Stocksrichardred66610/2/2024
Xtreme One Entertainment, Inc. (OTCPink: XONI) Microcap & Penny StocksGiants196719/20/2024
TECHTECHNE (Tech): "selling picks to gold miners"Biotech / Medicaldr.john479/5/2024
WALMART INTERNET SHOPPING PastimesLindyBill838/23/2024
Pickelball Pastimeswallstreetbull08/7/2024
ADBEAdobe (adbe) opinionsTechnology Stocks 31116/6/2024
Favorite Pictures From Outer Space PastimesN. Dixon3595/23/2024
Jesse Livermore..In Honor Of A PioneerNon-TechGreg Butcher425/14/2024
PXDPIONEER NATURAL RES. (PXD)Gold/Mining/EnergyRon Schipper2335/11/2024
CCAJCoastal Capital Acquisition Corp Non-Techuntilzen934/27/2024
Income Taxes and Record Keeping ( tax )Strategies & Market TrendsZeuspaul58084/7/2024
Off Topic (Every Day Technology) Technology StocksCogito15603/7/2024
2014 ShedHead Stock Picking Contest Gold/Mining/EnergyTheSlowLane1642/20/2024
WSEA - off topic and general comments threadPastimesThe Ox1821/18/2024
ATHRPicks of the quarter Strategies & Market TrendsTaro204351/5/2024
Canadian Rocket Red's PicksGold/Mining/EnergyRocket Red196971/1/2024
2023 Stock Picking Contest Gold/Mining/Energydara22512/30/2023
2022 Stock Picking Contest Gold/Mining/Energydara20012/10/2023
John Pitera's Market LaboratoryStrategies & Market TrendsDon Green3342011/4/2023
Pineapple Financial Inc. Announces Pricing of Initial PublicTechnology Stockswhytestocks011/1/2023
S maltophilia's off-topic thread PastimesS. maltophilia1010/30/2023
Picks? Investment Advice? Penny Stocks?Microcap & Penny StocksMark Erik Blair4710/20/2023
SHOPShopify Inc (SHOP: NASDAQ) SHOP.TO Technology StocksIceHawk718/30/2023
Off Topic - Anything Goes Pastimesclean8668464/15/2023
DHTThe Aristocrats(tm): Bellwether's Shipping Stocks Revue Strategies & Market Trendssense432/27/2023
JUSTIN PIECanada - Adios to Justin Pierre James Trudeau PoliticsJoachim K9812/19/2022
DOLEThe Pineapple ThreadNon-TechGraystone13812/3/2022
CATCAT-CaterpillarNon-TechMohan Marette11010/27/2022
January 6 U.S. 2021 Capitol Attack PoliticsEric L218/22/2022
My Opinion, Your Opinion, and ... What If ... ?Pastimesbruwin276/12/2022
Slumdog's Rockpile PastimesSlumdog13315/27/2022
The Epic American Credit and Bond Bubble LaboratoryStrategies & Market TrendsTH1101894/2/2022
2021 Stock Picking Contest Gold/Mining/Energydara2291/12/2022
2021 Biotech Stock Picking Charity Contest Biotech / Medicaltechnetium3071/8/2022
Capital Gains Strategies & Market TrendsHeywood401112/8/2021
CVUCPI Aerostructures (CVU)- Take a Look (was CPI)Technology StocksCJ Owen Critchley2137/16/2021
RSHNFast Rising & Hopeful OTC & Pinks Microcap & Penny StocksGStew7167/12/2021
Fintel API for insights PastimesdaChosen107/10/2021