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Pastimes : All Things Technology - Media and Know HOW

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From: S. maltophilia8/1/2024 12:00:46 AM
   of 1844
......When it comes to end-of-life planning, recent technology has already dumped new considerations on our plates. It’s not just What happens to my house? but also What happens to my Instagram account? As I have previously written, dead people can linger as digital ghosts through their devices and accounts. But those artifacts help maintain their memory. A deathbot, by contrast, creates a synthetic version of you and lets others interact with it after you’re gone. These tools present a new kind of dilemma: How can you plan for something like digital immortality?

Farid, the AI expert, hasn’t figured out an answer in his discussions with his wife. “We have very conflicting feelings about it,” he said. “I imagine that in the coming five to 10 years, it is a conversation we’re going to have the same way we have other conversations about end of life.” Grieving the death of a loved one is hard, and it’s easy to see why someone would prefer to remember the deceased in a way that feels, well, real. “The experience made up for what I missed out with my dad,” a woman in China told Rest of World after creating a replica of her dead father.

It is also easy to see the pitfalls. A voice clone can be made to say whatever its......
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