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Pastimes : Pokersam's Swamp Drain

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From: POKERSAM7/12/2024 5:31:59 PM
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How dare anyone seek peace in Ukraine without the blessing of US neocon led NATO. Russia and Ukraine had a peace agreement early and the UK ran in and told Zelensky NO. So here we are with 650,000 Ukranian soldiers dead and 60-65,000 Russian soldiers dead. According to US led NATO this slaughter must continue till the last Ukranian soldier is dead.
Ukraine is running out of soldiers. What do you think Zelensky will ask for next?
The common man doesn't want war. It is not the people who think only of war to dominate the world or solve international power struggles. It is the elites who think they know more than anyone else. And all they think about is power. It is all a game to them. While it is the common man's blood that is poured out. It is the boots of the common man that are put on the ground.
The estimates that I trust on deaths in Ukraine now run to 715,000. Think about that for a minute. These are fathers, brothers, sons, and husbands who have been poured into the meat grinder of Ukraine. It did not have to happen. There is nothing as insane as war.
Stopping the evil that was Hitler and the Nazis was necessary.
I look at the three major powers in the world right now and I don't see an evil that should be destroyed at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of people I do not know or hate.
Think about this. NATO was formed to protect small countries from being dominated by the USSR. The USSR no longer exists. It was rejected by Russia because communism was destroying all that was good in Russia. It was their decision to reject Communism as a failed system destroying their culture and society.
They sought to join with the West in moving toward a brighter future. The west said NO. Now NATO has become the aggressor seeking to dominate not just Europe but Russia and on into Asia. There is no limit to the appetite of the neocons for more and more power.

Trump cannot become president fast enough. We must rid our country of the war mongers and empire builders. God help us.

The sun never sat on the British Empire. I had a globe as a child and the British Empire was all in pink. There was pink all around that globe. The British taught us all about colonialism and world domination.
Is that what America is all about now? It is called the West and the Free World. Our president is called the leader of the Free World. Our main enemies currently are the Russians and the Chinese. I think the rest of the Brics nations will follow as they continue to show economic growth. We, the American people, are told constantly by the neocons heads of our government that we should hate the Russians and Chinese. I believe we will see all of the Brics nations added to the list.
Note that the US neocons are the leaders of the "Allies". They dominate the allies.
They now say to Orban. "How dare you seek peace when we want war."

Orban Meets Trump as Allies Condemn Diplomatic Freelancing (
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