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Pastimes : Jokes and Humor Only

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From: Tomato6/14/2024 2:11:34 PM
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Just bought a flatscreen for my grandson.

He tells me he is now a proud member of the LGTV community.

So they're this guy, and his best friend in the world is his pet duck.

So they're this guy, and his best friend in the world is his pet duck. Takes it everywhere he goes.

One day, he goes to the movie theater, and the lady selling tickets says, "Hard no, you're not taking that duck into my theater!" So he goes around the corner and stuffs the duck down the front of his pants, and sneaks him into the movie.

About 20 minutes into the movie, the duck starts getting restless and squirming around. So the guy unzips his pants so the duck can stick his head out and breathe.

The lady sitting next to him elbows her husband and says, "Honey, the guy next to me just unzipped his pants!”

"Just ignore him, honey.”

"But his thiiing is sticking out!”

"Just ignore him, honey.”

"Well I would, but it's eating my popcorn!”

I got my COVID test today, it says 50. What does that mean?

Also, my IQ test came back positive.

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