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Pastimes : The no EV Car Nut Thread

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To: miraje who wrote (34)5/22/2024 2:12:07 PM
From: OldAIMGuy3 Recommendations

Recommended By
Zen Dollar Round

   of 41
Hi JB,

I think the over-drive gear was 0.72 in it. We would have gone faster had the water and oil temps been better. They were around 230°F for water and 280°F for the oil. Not ideal. I'd been watching those gauges and backed out of the throttle and held at around 140MPH. On a cooler day we'd have gone a bit faster!

A funny story from that day:
We'd met and become friends with a guy from Alabama. He was driving a '53 Lincoln Capri which was heavily modified. I asked what his speed was where the Federales were clocking all of us. He said, "We were clocked at 174MPH." I said, "Wow!!!" to which he replied, "Yeah, we sucked a valve on the previous speed section so we just pulled the plug on that cylinder.........."

That's right! They were doing 174 MPH on just 7 Cylinders!!! That old Lincoln was more NASCAR than anything else!!!


One of the coolest things in 1994 was having people come up to us who had seen us in previous years. A man and his son came up with some photos of our car taken in '92 and asked if we would autograph the backs! We were more famous than the Astronauts when they came back from the Moon!!!!

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