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Pastimes : Rage Against the Machine

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From: Thomas M.6/1/2022 8:48:25 PM
of 1290
The 2016 timeline:

1) July 28 --- CIA Director John Brennan briefed Obama on a plan approved by Hillary Clinton on July 26 to “vilify Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by Russian security services.”

2) September 7 --- the CIA referred to Strzok and Comey the investigative matter involving a purported plan by Hillary concerning blaming Trump for Russian hackers “as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email

3) September 19 --- Sussmann, a lawyer for Clinton’s campaign who claimed not to be representing any client, brings FBI GC Baker data and white papers accusing Trump of having a secret back channel communications link with the Kremlin through Alfa Bank

4) September 20 --- FBI Agent Hellman concludes that the narrative does not hold water. And he suspected that the data were created to sell a narrative rather than something found accidentally by researchers.

Given the CIA's referral and the FBI analyst's suspicions, why didn’t the FBI 7th Floor launch an investigation of Hillary as the possible sponsor of a hoax? And why did the 7th Floor instead open a full counter-intelligence investigation by Chicago Field Office into the Alfa Bank narrative being spun by Sussmann, Joffe and friends?
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