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Technology Stocks : CDMA, Qualcomm, [Hong Kong, Korea, LA] THE MARKET TEST!
QCOM 172.230.0%Feb 14 9:30 AM EST

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From: Maurice Winn1/9/2012 5:01:39 PM
2 Recommendations  Read Replies (1) of 1818
Nearly 15 years later:

<Will CDMA succeed in Los Angeles [at last]?
How is CDMA going in Hong Kong, Korea, Trenton? Do people like it?
Will China be the biggest CDMA market?
What technical developments are going on?
Has Nextwave Telecom bid too much in PCS spectrum auctions?
Will notebook computers with built in CDMA phone take the world by storm?

Will you get rich from CDMA and Qualcomm?

Related topics: Eudora - the email you are probably using
Globalstar - the satellite phone system

A couple of days ago, for the first time, I used a Sierra USB "stick" HSPA in my little netbook. It is very good. But there are now millions of netbook/notebook computers [same thing just a slightly different size] with built in CDMA with the iPad the current world champion, selling by the million.

Since those faltering steps back in the mid 1990s, CDMA-powered "Smartphones" are now the dominant cultural development on Earth. The pdQ was the initial effort. The pace is quickening as $trillions are at stake. The automobile industry is now taking second cultural place to mobile Cyberspace.

It is being recognized that it is not just the cost of fuel and the financial crisis which is pushing aside the century-long love affair with cars. Young people are Cerfing into Cyberspace. From Zygote in 1996 to Zeitgeist in 2011. Things don't come any bigger than this.

Meanwhile, Eudora is fondly remembered and I live in hope... social media is a mess. Eudora could rescue us from the chaos.

Globalstar failed dismally. There was total mismanagement of marketing combined with dead satellites due to bung design. They were reduced to simplex data transmission. SPOT being fairly successful in that.

Now though, the second Globalstar constellation is being launched, albeit with a momentum wheel design fault. Hopefully they fix that BEFORE they launch the rest. Their marketing ideas are still defective, but not as bad as the first effort last century. There is also a spectrum dispute with the FCC and other problems too such as the local yokels resisting Globalstar gateways.

Swarms of people have become very rich from CDMA and the businesses which have been enabled by it.

Now LTE is gearing up, running on OFDM = orthogonal frequency division multiplexing which was just a gleam in Flarion's and other's eyes in Y2K but is now gearing up to take over from CDMA. Unfortunately, it, like W-CDMA, is burdened with GSM Cartel royalties of about 12% compared with CDMA's 4% average which did a better job, cheaper. Qualcomm's OFDM technology with low royalties was rejected by too many people to go it alone. Fortunately, even 8% extra royalty on the devices is not much over the 2 year total cost of ownership, so it's not such a big deal. The whining in the early years about CDMA's "excessive" royalty of 5% has been shown to be absurd by both spectrum prices and the success of CDMA.

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