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Gold/Mining/Energy : ForeFront Ventures Ltd

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To: Supervalue who wrote (145)9/22/1997 8:37:00 PM
From: Aloysius Q. Finnegan   of 160
Bruce & William,

What gives? I followed both your posts on this thread for months. Now there hasn't been a peep out of either of you on FFV for over a month.

Hold out any hope for this guy? What's your take on the latest press release? (See below). Can we be competetive here with the falling price of gold?



VSE Trading Symbol: FFV
September 18th, 1997


Forefront Ventures Ltd continues to make progress at its 50% owned San
Francisco de Yoquivo operation. The Company has all underground mineral
rights as well as rights to all previously mined ore (tailing dumps
etc.). Currently, 4 projects at this site are noteworthy: the "El
Dollar" mine, the "Los Angeles" mine, the tailings dump, and the 100
ton per day flotation mill. All sites below have good road access.

The `El Dollar Mine'
The mine reaches a depth of 30 metres on 3 levels. Exploration and ore
recovery continues on each level. Each shaft is north facing, running
approximately 100-150 metres in length. Extraction of ore has occurred
at the primary vein which continues to show extension and continuence.
The ore stockpiled to date (over 400 tons) shows values ranging from
15-20 gms gold/ton to over 1 kg/silver. Preliminary work on southward
expansion has shown very positive results. Samples are grading as high
as 10 gms/ton gold and 250 gms/ton silver. Upon the commencement of cash
flow, the workforce at this site will be a minimum of ten men mining at
least 35 tons/day of ore.

The `Los Angeles Mine'
The Los Angeles mine is on one level running a distance of 200 metres.
It is closed after 20 metres by a rockfall. Forefront Ventures is in the
process of rehabilitating the mine workings and clearing the rockfall.
The last work being done here was over 100 years ago. Preliminary
samples taken from the ore cleared at the cave-in are running 4 gms/ton
gold and 30 gms/ton silver. Approximately 200 tons are now stockpiled.
Our geologist considers the potential of these workings to be extremely

The Tailings Dump
20,000 tons grading 3.5gms/ton gold and 300 gms/ton silver. Testing has
shown the ore can either be milled or leached.

-Page 1-

The Mill
The first stage of Forefront's mill is now complete. Start-up testing
is to begin September 22nd,97. Initial metallurgical results using a
6-cell flotation type system has shown over 90% recovery of gold and
silver. Water is accessed from the nearby river. Once the final report
is received (expected date: September 22nd, 1997) acquisition and
installation should take no longer than 7 weeks.

Interm negotiations are being held with a company in Juarez, Mexico that
owns a transportable 20 ton per day flotation mill. If acquired
production could begin within 3 weeks, netting Forefront a minimum of
$1000 U.S. per day.

The main focus of Forefront at this time is towards commencement of cash
flow. The company's representative is to return to Chihuahua, Mexico on
October 5, 1997 to hasten these developments.

Investor Relations: 1-888-603-1133


"Pushpa Sharan"

Mrs Pushpa Sharan, President & Director

The Vancouver Stock Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the
information contained herein.

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