This is a place where we will drain the swamp. If you have a need to rail against dishonesty, corruption, injustice, in other words the left wing Socialist, this is a place for you to do it. If you have a need to rail against cults that prey on the weak and feeble minded, this is the place to do it.
If you are a left wing crack pot do not bother posting because you will be banned. You live in the swamp. If you are a cult leader or a cult follower do not bother posting because you will be banned. You live in the swamp. I invite and encourage left wing crackpots and cultist to read with the hope they may be enlightened.
The Socialist and cults are against freedom of thought. They both take away freedom and liberty and turn their followers into irrational, brain dead sycophants.
A great example of one who has lost all credibility. Pokersam's Swamp Drain Message Board - Msg: 34187478 (
Characteristics Of A Sociopath Shown By Cult Leaders -- Recognizing the sociopath cult leader in our midst.Message 32830742
We will work to drain these two swamps by shining the light of truth into the dark recesses of these two stinking, slimy, filthy cesspools.
For stock market talk go here: Subject 60011
Intro to cults: Message 32013929 Intro to Socialism VS Capitalism: .
From:POKERSAM | 8/29/2023 2:18:22 PM | | of 3816 | | Windy, In your last bit of nonsense addressed to me you had one thing correct. I do post detailed charts in all time frames to my subs. You want me to post them to you. Sorry, I will not do that. I know you need the help desperately, but you will not get any more help from me than what I doll out here. Why don't you just relax till we invalidate all your ridiculous wave four counts and break 3491. It will take some time but it will happen. I think that rather than continue arguing with you I will just let you rave on in your delirious stupidity by yourself. Arguing with an idiot is really rather demeaning to me. I find it somewhat embarrassing when I think about it.
Jan. 23, 2022 by POKERSAM Anyone who calls himself a market analyst and cannot see the huge bear market ahead is a fraud. Many, many indicators of the stock market mania are at points unknown in history. The mother of all bear markets lies ahead. Perma bulls will fight the tape and they will lose the battle. They will also reveal the frauds they are and have always been. 2022 will be a year that will be referenced for decades when discussing milestones in stock market history.
Please listen to this and share it everywhere you post. Mark Levin: It's time for a 'true discussion' about race and abortion (
The TRUTH about the War in Ukraine. If you care about our country you MUST listen to this. The TRUTH about the conspiracy to control the world and YOU! The Monolithic & Ruthless Conspiracy - JFK Began the Fight & We the People Will Finish It! | Mel K Las Vegas Speech ( |