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Revision History For: Bear Stories

28 Aug 2014 03:38 PM <--
23 Apr 2012 04:11 PM
19 Oct 2009 03:29 PM
16 Jun 2009 10:13 PM
05 May 2005 06:06 PM
18 Dec 2000 09:50 PM

Return to Bear Stories
Post your bear stories here. No Wall Street Bears (or Bulls) allowed. This is for the furry kind.

The Juneaubears website has morphed into a commercial thing, so I no longer refer you to it.

I can guess what happened. Pat Costello, the man who established the website and championed it, could no longer afford to cover its cost out of his own pocket. I don't blame him one bit. I don't think he has anything to do with the new website, as it appears entirely commercial.

There are no off-topic subjects, as long as respectful demeanor is maintained. Even politics are OK, but please keep it to a minimum as there are plenty of alternative boards for that subject.