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Revision History For: Our Animal Friends

23 Sep 2014 02:07 PM <--
30 Jul 2000 11:02 PM

Return to Our Animal Friends
I've long believed that almost all animals are much more complicated than we would like to believe. This thread is dedicated to stories that you might have regarging your cognitive contacts with the beasties that share our world. First hand experiences are preferred. Please, don't write about Wiskers sniffing about his hindquarters and attribute it to a critique of Tolstoy. Unless it's very funny, of course, or, if Wiskers has told this to you in a spoken word. That'd be good. Ratings are 50% for the telling and 50% for content. Really, there are no points, but it'd be nice if it was true. I look forward to your stories. Heck, I'll go first...