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Revision History For: SI Grammar and Spelling Lab

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How many times have you seen incorrect grammatical constructions/spelling errors on SI that set your teeth on edge? That tempted you to send a rude note to the offender(s)?

Conversely: how many times have you posted a message, wondering whether the way you are expressing yourself may actually sabotage what you are trying to express?

This thread is devoted to detailing & discussing common irritating errors, with the hope of eradicating them once and for all.

Let's start with "it's" for "its." Folks -- "it's" is a contraction for "it is." "Its" is a possessive pronoun. EXAMPLE: "It's nice that the stock has hit its all-time high."

The source of this confusion is pretty clear. Possessives usually use an apostrophe, as in "John's hat," "the girl's dress," or (plural), "the girls' dresses." But where the possessive of "it" is concerned, remember -- no apostrophe! Please!

More to come!